4 Ways Buying Used Furniture Helps The Environment

There are many reasons to buy used furniture — the quality and look of antiques, filling your home with timeless pieces, AND helping the environment through your purchases! In today’s blog post, the team at Craze Furniture & Antiques is sharing a few reasons why buying used furniture helps the environment. Continue reading to learn more, and if you’re looking for eco-friendly furniture, check out our inventory or visit us in Wake County!

Reduces Furniture Waste

Every piece of used furniture that you buy is one less piece of furniture that ends up in a landfill! Reducing waste is one way that we can help the environment, and buying used furniture is a great way to do just that. Plus, by buying used, you’re also eliminating any waste that would go into making a new piece of furniture.

Defends Human Rights

Many of the products we consume in the U.S. are made by people across the world who are laboring in difficult and often unsafe conditions. And that’s especially true for cheap, mass-produced furniture. When you buy used furniture, you aren’t contributing your dollars to those corporations.

Reduces Carbon Footprint

Manufacturing new furniture takes its toll on the environment. Big diesel equipment is used to harvest the trees, coal powers the manufacturing plant. Then more diesel is used to ship the end product across the ocean. More fuel is expended delivering from the ports to its final destination. None of this takes into account the packaging or hardware that goes through a similar process. Help us keep the environment clean by buying used furniture.


Saves Resources

Just like reducing your carbon footprint, used furniture saves resources! Deforestation is a huge threat to our planet, and if we can reuse the wood furniture that we already have rather than using new resources to build new pieces, then we can help the environment. There are many reasons to buy used furniture, and one of the best is because doing so helps the environment! Check out our inventory here at Craze Furniture & Antiques and if you like what you see, come pick up a piece from our Wake County used furniture store!